Donigan Cumming



“You put gold-leaf halos around the heads of some of the portraits in these pieces.”


“I think of all the people I work with as national treasures.
So why not deify them? That was a simple transition for me.”


Epilogue: 2.6m x 4.4m / Mixed media on wood panel


Biennale internationale de la Photographie et des Arts visuels de Liège, Belgique - 2008
Ex Votos. Prologue, Epilogue, The Stage, and selected videos, MSVU Art Gallery, Halifax, Canada.
La somme, le sommeil, le cauchemar - Centre culturel Canadien Paris - 2006
Gallery Éric Devlin Montréal, Québec, Canada 2005
Museum of Contemporary Canadian Art, Toronto, Canada - 2005